Summer Outings 2013

Canal Trip

We have arranged an outing on a horse drawn narrow boat on June 30th at Canal Park near Tiverton. Coach pickups will be 10 am at The Spa and 10:30 am at Tesco, Dorchester, and we expect to return by 6:30 pm. The cost per member is £10 which covers the cost of the coach and canal trip. There is a restaurant available and members need to contact Nikki Martin to book lunch. Spaces are limited so if you are interested in going on this trip please contact Trevor Martin on 01305 813584

You can find further details at: the
canal website

Summer Tea

If we have any summer this year our Summer Tea will be held at Gould's Garden Centre Java Cafe at 2.30pm on June 10th. The event is free to all Weymouth and Dorchester members and a garden demonstration will be held after the tea.

Please phone Jane Dare  (01305815173) as soon as possible to confirm if you plan to attend.

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